Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I don't want to pack

I so don't want to pack for San Diego. I have the kids mostly packed at this point. I have their back packs for the plane mostly packed as well. I am finishing the laundry and then I will be able to finish gathering what I need. The problem is that I am tired, and want to just veg out in front of the tv watching Two and a half Men.

I heard the funniest/oddest version of Bad Day by Daniel Powter. I heard this on the XM kids channel, it was Alvin and the Chipmunks singing it!! How odd. The kids thought it was hilarious though. I was playing it up and trying to sing like one of the chipmunks myself. And dancing around. They love it when I do this.

Speaking of music there are several songs that I am addicted to right now. They are:

Into the Mystic by Van Morrison
Trouble by Dave Matthews Band
My Girl by The Temptations
Beautiful Day by U2
there are some more, but the titles escape me right now.

There is a country song that I love right now too. It is:

Just got started loving you by James Otto

It is almost 9, I need to get my suitcase packed so I can get to bed. I may end up staying up pretty late tonight.

I hope you all have a great weekend. I will try to post something from San Diego.


1 comment:

mama j said...

Have ya'll seen the Chipmunks, yet? I want to get my hands on the soundtrack-the music is the BEST--including that song! We LOVED it!!!