Friday, August 31, 2007

Hot or Not

Did anyone watch the Teen Choice Awards last Sunday? I didn't but wish that I had. Jessica Alba won the award for Female Hottie and gave a very cool acceptance speech. Here it is:

“I would like to dedicate this award to a young man who has been on my mind for the last 19 years: Ross. Ross didn't love me. I was pigeon-toed, I had a sway back, I was slightly cross-eyed, buck-toothed, I sucked my thumb. Look at me now, Ross! Look at me now!"

That is totally me. I was a very big geek in school, and no one ever thought I was pretty or fun to be around. I am so glad to know that she can stand up there and say something that I have always dreamed of saying. Kudos to Jessica Alba.

By the way, I am still a big geek! I am just comfortable with it now and accept who I am. Here's to anyone that was treated poorly by classmates!!

Happy Friday,

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Halley Came to Jackson

I love this song by Mary Chapin Carpenter, Halley Came to Jackson. Everytime that I hear it, I think of what it must have been like in 1910 and seeing the comet and what people must have thought it was. I am sure it was beautiful and amazing thing to witness.

Here are the lyrics:

Late one night when the wind was
brought the baby to the window sill
To see a bit of heaven shoot across the sky
The one and only time Daddy saw it fly
It came from the east just as bright as a torch
The neighbors had a party on their porch
Daddy rocked the baby, Mother said "amen"
When Halley came to visit in nineteen ten

Now back then Jackson was a real small town
And it's not every night a comet comes around
It was almost eighty years since its last time through
So I bet your mother would've said "amen" too
As its tail stretched out like a stardust streak
The papers wrote about it every day for a week
They wondered where it's going and where it's been
When Halley came to Jackson in 1910

Now Daddy told the baby sleeping in his arms
To dream a little dream of a comet's charms
And he made a little wish as she slept so sound
In nineteen eighty-six that wish came 'round
It came from the east, just as bright as a torch
She saw it in the sky from her daddy's porch
As heavenly sent as it was back then
When Halley came to Jackson in nineteen ten
Late one night when the wind was still

I hope that I will get to see it when it comes again in 2061!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Has anyone...

watched the series 'Big Love' on HBO?
had a odd allergic reaction?
had to fly with just the clothes they had on?
sat somewhere all day doing nothing, yet knowing they had to be there?
experienced Newark at 6a.m on a Friday morning?
attended a wedding having only been invited 30 minutes before the ceremony?
had something named after them for all the world to see?
felt a sense of accomplishment that overwhelms you?
wanted to live somewhere else?
met someone on a plane that you will remain friends with for a long time?
been so embarrassed that you whole body aches?
been asked to photograph an event only days before the event?
watched Kimora:life in the fab lane?

It has been a very interesting time for me since my last post. Franklin started at his new school and is loving every minute of it. He is the "shining star" today, which means that he gets to be the line leader and gets to bring in something to show and share. He is so proud about being the shining star today. I kept with the theme and made french toast sprinkled with powered sugar for breakfast. He decided to take his new Clifford book and his Megladon tooth as his show and share items. He is so cute and sweet. I can't believe that he is 3 already. It seems like just yesterday he was born and I was holding him in my arms for the first time. He is a big boy now and does not like to be called a baby. He has learned to peddle his tricycles and rides all over the house. Grace is still the same. She is jealous that Franklin goes to school.

I hope that everyone has a great Tuesday.


Monday, August 06, 2007

What's a Southern girl to do

when she has a stressful day? Well, this Southern girl makes fresh peach cobbler. And that is just what I did this evening. Had a lot to deal with today. I am enjoying a nice big piece of my peach cobbler and some milk right now, and it is yummy and I am starting to feel better already.

Here is a picture of the peach cobbler I made this evening:

On a lighter note I had a great time playing with the kids in the hose tonight. Really brought me back to my childhood.
Hope everyone has a great evening,

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I love this place...

My favorite place to be, other than with my kids and husband, is New York. I love all the lights, sounds, people, things to do, etc. I took this picture from the steps of the New York Public Library main location at 5th Avenue and 42nd Street. The red streaks that you see in the photo are cars. This is a long exposure, that is how you only see the lights of the cars and not the cars themselves. I love to do this kind of night photography.

Have a great day,