Friday, August 31, 2007

Hot or Not

Did anyone watch the Teen Choice Awards last Sunday? I didn't but wish that I had. Jessica Alba won the award for Female Hottie and gave a very cool acceptance speech. Here it is:

“I would like to dedicate this award to a young man who has been on my mind for the last 19 years: Ross. Ross didn't love me. I was pigeon-toed, I had a sway back, I was slightly cross-eyed, buck-toothed, I sucked my thumb. Look at me now, Ross! Look at me now!"

That is totally me. I was a very big geek in school, and no one ever thought I was pretty or fun to be around. I am so glad to know that she can stand up there and say something that I have always dreamed of saying. Kudos to Jessica Alba.

By the way, I am still a big geek! I am just comfortable with it now and accept who I am. Here's to anyone that was treated poorly by classmates!!

Happy Friday,


Anonymous said...

I think you are a far cry from being a geek! AND... I like you! So, for all those moments when you slip back into the old school Cathy and feel like a geek, remember... you are very well liked for just who you are!!!! :)

Your just as geeky friend,

Anonymous said...

Can I just say I was born to be thirty? I mean in high school I should have been thirty! So, I am still a geek, still out of sorts, and ya know what? am still me. Oh and I was and still am a band nerd! First chair baby! Rock it bring it, only piccolo player, BAND NERD!
