Saturday, March 29, 2008


At school right now we are doing some studio shooting and advertising shots. We are working in teams. Last week my team had to shoot glass. We used a bottle of Stetson Country mens' cologne. After taking numerous shots of just the bottle, I had an idea to spice things up and challenge ourselves. The incentive is that the "winning" team each week will have their image blown up and hung in the wall. The winner will be decided by the class as a whole. I personally want to win every week.

The photo that is below is a combination of two shots. I really love the way this came out. Here is our ad campain for Stetson Country:

Isn't this a great image...I think so.


Photo shoot

At the end of February I did a photo shoot of my neices and nephew who were visiting from New Jersey. The first night that I did the shoot it was in my side yard. The pictures came out great and you would never have guessed that it was my side yard. The second time was an impromtu shoot at Selby Gardens. We went there for the kids to run around and enjoy the gardens but ever the photographer, I just had to take some photos!

Here are some of my favorite shots...

Erin, at Selby Gardens

Erin and Haysie, my side yard

Gavin, my side yard.

Kelli with her girls, my side yard

Erin, Haysie and Gavin, Selby Gardens

I hope that you are all enjoying the great Spring weather.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday morning rambling

It's Wednesday morning and I just feel like rambling...

I am loving Daylight Savings Time. Franklin woke up at 7:11 this morning. There is just something about being woken up after 7 that makes you feel more rested even if you aren't.

Have you ever had one of those days when you are feeling thinner and think that you must have lost some weight? I had that feeling this morning. I should have just went with it. But instead I stepped on the scale to check. I mean really. How can you feel and look thinner and not have this amazing number looking back at you from the scale?

It's my spring break, and you know that I am an adult since I am just doing the same thing that I do every other week. I never did that Daytona crazy Spring Break thing. And I am glad about that. The footage on Mtv looks crazy.

I have a new show that I am addicted to...Your Mama Don't Dance. It is on Lifetime on Friday nights. The dancers are really talented and I just love the concept that their dance partners have to be one of their parents who have no dancing background. How would you feel if you thought that you were auditioning for a dance show and they said they had a partner for you and the curtain came up and it were one of your parents?

Another show I am loving...America's Best Dance Crew on Mtv. I have no idea what day it is on. It is winding down now and it is just the top 3 or 4 teams, but they rock. There is so much talent out there.

I got addicted to these shows while I have been uber sick these past two weeks and watching a lot of tv. I also watched a lot of infomercials. I so want the H20 mop. It seems so cool. And the Tobi steamer. There were some other products that I thought were amazing but they didn't have the lasting impression that these two did. Does anyone have these or know of anyone who has them? I would love to know how they really work.

Has anyone seen the "I'm fucking Matt Damon" video by Sarah Silverman or Jimmy Kimmel's response "I'm Fucking Ben Affleck" on YouTube? They are so funny. I suggest that you check them out. is the link for the Matt Damon video. And here is the link for the Ben Affleck video

If I had your email address then you have already gotten the link to this video. This man was on Oprah and I found his message very heartwarming. Check it out here:

Okay that is a lot of rambling. I have to finish my cereal and get the kids ready to leave soon.
Have a great Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My baby is 2 now

Last Monday, my sweet baby Grace turned 2. We celebrated by having pancakes shaped liked butterflies with purple sprinkles and a picnic with both Mommy and Daddy at Selby Gardens.

Here is a look at Grace over the past two years:

On the day she was born, just moments after being born
How sweet does she look? One of my favorite photos.
Grace at age 1
Grace at age 1 3/4, just days before her 2nd
birthday. I love this photo of her. I took
it in our front yard one night before dinner.
On her 2nd birthday, at Selby Gardens
playing in the banyans.
I must say that now that she is officially two, my what an attitude she has. I know, I know, its the phase, the terrible twos. But she is much worse than Franklin was at his worst. She is very stubborn.
Filic was able to get her weaned off the bottles cold turkey while I was sick two weeks ago. I am very proud of him. She acts completely different for him. We did it before her second birthday. yeah!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

I was tagged...

I've been Karen who was tagged by Jocie...who was tagged by Kim B...and I can't keep up with the train that led to that so here goes...

Here's what I have to do:
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

Random facts about me:

1. I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia
2. I love the show Little House on the Prairie
3. I love Jeeps and going off roadin' in them
4. I trained for the rodeo - barrel racing
5. A slice of New York City pizza is my favorite food
6. I can't ride a bike well
7. I love cereal...I have several, several boxes open at one time

Bonus from Filic: I don't sleep with a top sheet, and it drives him flippin' crazy!

Okay, so all my blogging friends have already been tagged, this is the end of the line for me.
