Saturday, March 29, 2008


At school right now we are doing some studio shooting and advertising shots. We are working in teams. Last week my team had to shoot glass. We used a bottle of Stetson Country mens' cologne. After taking numerous shots of just the bottle, I had an idea to spice things up and challenge ourselves. The incentive is that the "winning" team each week will have their image blown up and hung in the wall. The winner will be decided by the class as a whole. I personally want to win every week.

The photo that is below is a combination of two shots. I really love the way this came out. Here is our ad campain for Stetson Country:

Isn't this a great image...I think so.



Nikki Cleary said...

yes that is a gread "ad" for Stetson. you must be having lots of fun at school, learning so many cool things... how are you? i read that you were sick...are you better now? my boys are both sick, ugh. talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

love the picture. Is that you in the photo? I'm so glad that you are enjoying school. we miss you at the store! Come by and say hi!