Thursday, March 06, 2008

I was tagged...

I've been Karen who was tagged by Jocie...who was tagged by Kim B...and I can't keep up with the train that led to that so here goes...

Here's what I have to do:
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

Random facts about me:

1. I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia
2. I love the show Little House on the Prairie
3. I love Jeeps and going off roadin' in them
4. I trained for the rodeo - barrel racing
5. A slice of New York City pizza is my favorite food
6. I can't ride a bike well
7. I love cereal...I have several, several boxes open at one time

Bonus from Filic: I don't sleep with a top sheet, and it drives him flippin' crazy!

Okay, so all my blogging friends have already been tagged, this is the end of the line for me.



Anonymous said...

Good to have you back! I hope you had a great time!


Anonymous said...

Hey the blog, and ps...I LOVE THE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE show too! What a riot! Have you made your butterflies yet? Come and crop with us tonight! Nikki and Kim are going to be there, should be a blast! Karen

mama j said...

LOL--I TOO am a HUGE fan of LHOTP! TOooooo funny!

I laughed at your "end of the line for me" comment......I didn't even want to do this post, b/c I was like "Who can I tag, Kim, Karen and Joci got them all...." then I remembered, I DO have a couple other blogging friends! LOL!