Friday, February 08, 2008

A pain in the neck, literally

I have had the worst neck pain this week. So bad in fact, that I thought it was a disc problem and I was going to need surgery again. I could not move. Saw my doc on Tuesday. She is great. After her exam, she thinks it is muscular and sent me for a nueromuscular massage. If you have never had a nueromuscular massage, let me tell you, it is like no other massage you have ever had. This is not the relaxing massage you get at a spa. This hurts. Good news is that I can move my neck more than before I went in. I am very tender from the massage. I am taking steriods and muscle relaxers to get my neck back to being normal-well normal for me anyway. I am not allowed to pick up the kids, etc.

This consists of me sleeping in my neck brace, which is as comfortable as it sounds. My friend Jessi stopped by Wednesday night to drop something off and saw me in my neck brace. She said to me "I thought that you were feeling better" I looked at her and said-"I am". She had never seen me in my brace.

So as I type this, my neck is starting to feel better. I am not going to start over doing it. The house can get cleaned another day. I just want to make sure that my neck is healing.

Because I love you all so much, here is a picture I took of myself this morning in my brace.

1 comment:

mama j said...

LOVE IT! And if Amanda can post self portraits after a workout, why not post self portraits of neck braces? Wonder what my self portrait may be? Pulling my hair out? LOL! Glad you're feeling better! And yeah, housework can TOTALLY wait! LOL!