Sunday, January 13, 2008

Something to Inspire you

This is one of my favorite photographs. I took this in 2005 when we took an Alaskan cruise. I love the blues. This glacier was huge - I mean the size of Vermont huge! I zoomed in on a small portion of the glacier that I thought was interesting. I used a 150-500mm lens. This was taken on a small sea plane.

By focusing on such a small portion of this glacier, I was able to show the detail in it. Sometimes it is better to focus in on something and take in the details of it. You should not always try to get everything in. When I photograph babies, I like to take pictures of thier ears, toes, fingers, hands. When I photograph older children, I like to get a shot of just their eyes.

Try doing this the next time you are taking a picture.


1 comment:

Nikki Cleary said...

1. LOVE your new header!
2. will think about beauty and what that means to me and shoot a picture of it...
3. i like you photography tips...keep it up!!
Have a good rest of the weekend!