Thursday, January 17, 2008

my little Emperor

So the conversation went a little like this, just moments ago...

Franklin: "Mom, I want to get dressed."
Me: "okay, are you going to wear the new shark shirt that Aunt Kel sent?"
Franklin: "Yeah, and I need you to get me some spiderman underwear and some shorts
and some socks."
Me: "You have to wear pants today."
Franklin: "And don't forget to pack my lunch. I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
a cheese stick, spiderman fruit snack and a juice box."

I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee and I am being ordered around by my little Emperor. The moment he came into this world, I knew that he was a little Emperor. I want to encourage his independence, but I think that this is a bit much.

Why he feels the need to tell me what he wants for lunch everyday, I don't understand. It is the SAME thing EVERYDAY. I swear. No variation. Oh wait, I did add the cheese stick and he LOVES it. He is my kid who doesn't really try new things.

When I turned on the computer today, I had some other ideas in mind for my post today. I don't remember what they were! I will post some pictures later. I am off to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Anonymous said...

I think they feel they can't control much, so they will control the little things they can. Too cute! I love how he is so descriptive about his wants and needs as well. They are too much!


mama j said...

Amanda hit it, right on the head! Just remind him to say "please" and let him be "the boss" in a couple areas, like cheese sticks and spiderman undies....he'll be a better person, b/c of it! And I giggle, b/c I can totally hear him!

Anonymous said...

my advice.. pick your battles. If he is going to tell you what he wants and be fine with it.. Yeah for him and you! It is when you make something and they whine and cry because that is not what they wanted that gets my feathers ruffled! You are a great mom!


Anonymous said...

By the way... when are you going to put soem of your birthday pics up?