Saturday, January 12, 2008

rambing and a challenge

So for weeks now I was thinking that my hair was really greasy. I just thought it was because of the heat and how much I had been sweating (tmi, I know). I just realized tonight that I have been using my Kerastase conditioner as my before blow drying creme. I had this "aha" moment when I grabbed my new bottle of Kerastase shampoo, I use the pink line. I looked and saw there was not another conditioner. This made me check elsewhere. That is when I picked up the bottle I had been using and read it a bit more carefully this time. It was the conditioner. I then looked for the before blow drying creme and found it. The bottle is a different color, but it is the same size, style, has a pump, etc. My hair is much lighter tonight and looks much better. I can't believe that I did that. Tonight my hair looks like it does when I come home from the salon. It even feels like it. I love the way my hair looks and feels after leaving the salon. Who doesn't.

My first assignment for my photography class is to photograph Beauty. I have been thinking all day about what I find beautiful. For me it is not the clouds, the sunset or nature. I find beauty in newborn babies(the first few weeks) and the female form-the curves, the perfection of it. I am not sure what I am going to photograph. I have a week to do it. I will not let myself photograph my kids (or my friends kids), anything at my house or near it. I make myself go out and shoot. I challenge myself. I have an understanding with my professor - per my instructions- he won't accept these images from me. He knows and I know too that I am more talented than that. I use this to push myself. I want to learn as much as I can and grow as a photographer. This class is more to learn how to promote myself and commercial photography. After our mid-terms we will form corporations and do some mock advertising. Coming up with the concept, photographing the product, etc. This is the part that I am going to hate. When I walked into class on Friday, I looked around to size up the "Competition". They are a bunch of slackers, etc. I am not sure when the last time some of the showered. The girl sitting next to me has a ring through her nose like a bull. I am not going to enjoy working with any of them.

On a happy note. I am going to be the President of the Art Club at MCC. I am going to be organizing monthly art submissions to encourage a healthy competition among the students. I am going to organize field trips to local museums. I have known that I was going to be the President since the middle of December and have been thinking about what I want to do. The Art Club has been dormant for as long as I can remember. We have money from the state that we can use to publish a yearly art book. This is an excellent opportunity to get the students who want to be artists exposure. So from now on you can all call me "Madame President"! I always knew when I was a little girl that I was going to be President one day-so okay it not the President of the USA, but I will take it! ha ha.

So here is my challenge to all of you. Go out this week and photograph Beauty - as you see it. I want to see what you find beautiful. I hope that this inspires you to be creative. I will have a RAK for the person that sends me their Beauty photograph first. So get out there and shoot!

Have a great weekend,


mama j said...

Ummm, if it's curves you need, I have them! And I'm not in your house! LOL!

Great post! Hope you're having a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

OK I am going to submit to this challenge. But I just read it today so,,,,,Let me get to it!
