Friday, May 23, 2008

Something old, something new

Something old, something new. That is what this post is about. Last week on Wednesday night I was heading to my Grandmother's birthday celebration at my parents house in Venice. Filic was golfing. I stopped at the gas station and filled up. Franklin was upset because I would not get him something to eat from the gas station. (This is not something that I do by the way, no idea why he even asked.) I proceeded to my parents house. The kids were screaming like you can't even imagine. The noise level was out of control. Well, I am embarassed to say this but I ended up on a concrete header in a ditch. And I wasn't even a quater of a mile from my parents house. I couldn't open my door. The kids were screaming, they were terrified. Thank god for Britax carseats, that are also installed properly. I think that I blacked out during the crash. I finally got a hold of my parents and they came to help me. They helped get the kids out of the car and then I was able to crawl out of the car through their door. Someone called 911 and cops showed up along with an ambulance and a firetruck. Franklin liked seeing all of the flashing lights. He got to see the inside of an ambulance. We were all fine. Had to call a tow truck to pull the van off the concrete header. Filic left golf and got there right before the tow truck driver started to pull the car out of the ditch and off the header. We had it towed to my dad's friends shop. Luckily one of our good friends let me use their Volvo convertible so I could still shuttle Franklin and Grace to their last days of school and then Nature camp. Anyways, the van was in bad shape. We finally heard on Tuesday that it was going to cost ALOT to fix. ALOT. I managed to damage almost everything.

Which leads me to something new. I got a new van. A 2008 Odyssey with a DVD player and Navigation system. It is a bronze/gold color. The kids are loving the DVD player. (we had just had a DVD system put in my old van. The ones in the head rests. They are being put in Filic's car right now). I am loving the Navigation system and the rear view camera. The new van only had 3 miles on it when I received it last night. My old van was a 2005 but there are so many differences with this 2008. I am loving it.

Here is a picture of my old van, all smashed up:

doesn't look too bad, does it. thank goodness for safe cars.

Here is a side by side of my old van and new one:

Hope everyone is doing well.


mama j said...

WOW! Now, did the EMTs tell you, that you need to get new carseats? Once in an accident, they're compromised. Insurance will cover it. BUT, you have to cut the straps and send photos to them, to show that they're not being used again....we had to do that w/ our accident. (I'm never willing to take the chance of any types of hairline cracks/fractures..etc.) Gosh--guess a lot's been happening! How'd you end up "Up there" anyways? (just the noise and your head spinning?) Glad to know you're all okay and how fun-a new van! Hondas are good, no doubt. Now, we Mama's have to go OUT again....hey--does it smell GOOD? LOL! (Anything is better than......) LOL!


Charlene said...

Glad to hear you and the kids are ok...and the new Van looks safe!