Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's been awhile, but a lot has been going on!

I realize that I have been a bad blogger lately. Haven't posted something new in a very long time. A lot has been happening here though.

I have been fighting the cold that has been going around for almost three weeks. Found out on Sunday after spending 6 hours in the ER that I have an acute sinus infection. This is my first sinus infection and it sucks. Thanks so much to my dear friend Jessi and her amazing hubby Dana for not only watching my kids but driving me to the ER. I am so blessed to have her in my life. She is truly a wonderful friend.

My house was infested with Carribean Crazy Ants. I had never even heard of these before. But for whatever reason, they really liked my clean laundry. With being sick I had a ton of folded laundry in my bedroom in baskets that I just couldn't get put away and they LOVED it. Right before leaving for our Club Med getaway ( and I am talking about the morning we left) is when I realized they were in all of my clean laundry. I had to buy clothes when I got to Club Med. Thank goodness there was a Marshall's and a Target very close by! We had the pest control guy come while we were gone and were lucky enough to come home to a lot of dead ants.

I have had a lot of laundry to do! Had to rewash all of the clothes that were infested. But since I have been battling this sinus infection I couldn't get all the laundry folded and it had been piling up. Finally yesterday I sat the kids up with a "picnic lunch"(I let them eat on the floor in the living room while they watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) and folded about 15 loads of laundry. The bed in my guestroom was fully covered in folded clothes. Then came putting everything away, for the kids anyway. Was too tired last night to get to my laundry, but will be doing it first thing today before more crazy ants decided to invade!!

My computer deleted the images off of my cameras memory card before I had a chance to uplaod them. And they were the most amazing photos. I was able to find a computer repair person to do a data recovery for me. But the most amazing part was that he came to the house to pick up my memory card and then brought it back to me at K2 while I was working there on Saturday. And he was able to recover all the images!!! YAY!!! I was so thrilled.

While heading to the pharmacy on Monday to drop off my prescriptions I got a flat tire on Clark Road. What is worse is that I could see the tire repair place from where I was sitting, I just couldn't get the car there. I called AAA to come and tow the car. I figure I pay for the service, may as well use it. They showed up within 20 minutes and towed the car. Had my friend Jen come by and pick up Grace for me so she didn't have to sit with me at the tire place. The tire place was great, they got me out of there in just over an hour. I was pleased about that.

So, after all of that, I am sitting here blogging to you all. Still fighting my sinus infection. But just happy to be alive. Becacuse no matter how bad the past few weeks have been for me, it is nothing compared to the lives of a lot of people in the world. I have to remind myself of that a lot. But I figure that the world, God(s) won't give me more than they think I can handle, right.

I hope that everyone in doing great and I can't wait to hear from you.

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